Rihana on Ice
venue: Trondheim sentrum
date: 22nd November 2008
time: 5.30pm
temperature: -1 degree celcius
platform to reach others by sharing our experience in an Artic circle country
Rihana on Ice
venue: Trondheim sentrum
date: 22nd November 2008
time: 5.30pm
temperature: -1 degree celcius
Our 1st day of raya this year falls on the 30th of September 2008, which means that we're fasting only for 29 days this year Ramadhan and one day earlier than Malaysia.
1st Menu - Nasi goreng cina dicampur daging goreng, telur goreng, nugget, timun & tomato. tapi abah called it Nasi Goreng Selera #Tradisi - sempena nama restoran di Sek.7, Shah Alam (perghh..promote la pulak..:) )
2nd Menu - Nasi Beriyani Daging served with Ayam Masak Merah & Daging Beriyani. Keropok tu cuma snacks biasa beli kat kedai..Menu ni dimasak masa jamuan makan2 with Zakiah (Singaporean friend) & Fazila --- abah kata kalau kat Restoran Selera #Tradisi takde tukang masak sok..ummi leh jadi tukang masak bidan terjun :)
3rd Menu - Nasi Jagung served with Ayam Masak Serai & salad telur. Both recipes taken from k.Hanielize nyer fotopage (thanks k.liza..:) )
so, the rest..dah kenyang masuk lam perut..tak dan nak amik gambo..anyway, for the recipes of those nasi..can browse through at my cooking reference links..:)
our menu - nasi putih dengan ayam masak lemak cili padi, padprik, ayam goreng, asparagus black pepper, sambal belacan dan ulam2an..
ikan goreng berlada dan karipap sumbangan Fazila, fruit cake sumbangan Peck Sze (wife Muk Chen Ong)
Tetamu tengah makan bersila. Maaf yer Dr2 sekalian..rumah saya kekurangan kerusi..:)
macam biasa bergambar beramai2 sebelum bersurai...Terima kasih sebab sudi datang ke teratak buruk kami (Rizal n' co.)
1st day arrived - sempat jumpa Abdah and got the chance to have an evening walk at Karl Johan Gate..2nd day - photo taken infront of Malaysian Consulat while waiting our President to settle his son's passport
2nd day juga - in Vigelands Park (tpt yg famous dengan pelbagai aksi patung)
the group trip of Malaysian students in Trondheim - 4 families (Shahriman, Muk, Ezanee and Rizal)
at Tusenfryd - not a good day for outing (ujan sepanjang hari...spoil betul)
infront of Opera House
last day outing - combination of students in Oslo and Trondheim (+ Hassilah, k.rima and k.normah families)
infront of the hytte - one nite break on the way back to Trondheim
to view more photos about this trip can look at http://adiksha.fotopages.com/
the trip was so nice...and thanks to all Oslo's friends for the hospitalities and such a nice moments..hope to meet u all again..:) .. (and perhaps after this in Trondheim pulak kot ;) )
posing depan hasil kreativiti sendiri...mengancam la anak ummi yg sorang ni sekarang..:)
Breidablikkveien 64 - the living roomdining place - tempat kami sekeluarga makan2...
the kitchen..
and this is the new house in Jonsvannsveien 87A
in front of the barnhage with Andars
playing together with his friend
ummi and abah tumpang sekaki bergambar waktu pagi masa waktu hantar mereka ke barnhage
in the afternoon, balik dari school, sempat ummi buatkan choc cake utk muhammad dan jemput kawan2 malaysian get-together..in the photo, yang wajib ada...of course nisa..(tu kwn baik muhd tu..so klu takde tak sah!)
and not forgetting...Happy Busrdag til Angah ogsa in Malaysia..Semoga panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki dan hidup dilimpahi rahmat...doa dari kami sekeluarga yang jauh..take care Angah and be happy..:)
the 1st little baby: Ahmad Ikmal bin Shahriman..born in 30th of January 2008..He's sooooo...cute and adorable..
our fantastic sumo boy: Muhammad Darwish Zarfan bin Ezanee....born with 4.97kg...phew! Gosh..the mom is really great to have it born N.O.R.M.A.L without any additional method to help..phew!
huhuhu...these are these...c'mon rihana..which one is your choice?..ney..she can't...ok rihana..now u're a big girl already..u should be called a sister..no more baby-call for you...so, who's next?..;)
ini hobi pertama rihana..bangun tido pun..1st thing 1st would be..ke meja tulis abangnya dan pegang pen...macam pandai tulih..:)
cuba nak snap 2 batang gigi kat bawah...tapi tak nampak pulak..yang jelas..jerawat sebijik kat dahi..aiseh...jerawat mana datang tu dik?..
rihana dah get ready nak berjalan ke luo...sengih dik..nampak gigi..:)
rihana dok diam2 kat car seat yer...abah nak bawak kete...dia ok bila dok lam kete...menikmati pemandangan sambil ikut nyanyi lagu I'm a big big Girl..ehehe..
ini aktiviti wajib rihana. pantang tgk abg2nya menulis..dia pun nak join sekaki..
the crowds sedang menjamu selera: in the photo .. Din (suami anis), ezanee, hubby zakiah and of course my hubby sedang khusyuk makan tak sempat tgk camera..
here we are...next to me is Zakiah...and belakang anis is kak Aishah. Fazilah with her little baby..sian tuan rumah masih dalam pantang..
morning before kak Aishah berangkat balik..invited her to have a breakfast in my house..setakat makan nasi lemak je la..sebab ada sambal tumis semalam lebih..:)