Friday, February 29, 2008

Satu minggu yang meletihkan..

What a week! It's so tiring and I guess it's just not my day (week!)Everything seems like wrong here and there. Tuhan menduga kita dengan perkara yang tak diduga...jadi sebagai hambaNya kita perlu redha. Namun mohon dikuatkan semangat hambaMu ini di sini ya Allah. C'mon..u have to wake up! Bangun dan kuatkan semangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan yang masih belum selesai ini. Mak dan keluarga yang lain di Malaysia, doakan semoga urusan kami dipermudahkan di sini. I am suppose to finish up my write-up but due to lots of incidents happened that make ourselves miserable over here. Things just become worse and worse. Let me just share with u all on the things happened to us in this whole week.

Mon: 5pm (dinner time) - terima sms dari K.long tentang pemergian Allahyarham Abg Mad
6pm - dapat e-mail dari Sit Bolig pasal suh keluo umah..

Tue: pergi ofc macam biasa..try buat keje..tapi satu apa pun tak masuk...sibuk cari umah. Balik half day..

Wed: tak pergi office..masih sibuk cari umah dan received reply dari seme landlord yang kebanyakannya refused utk bagi sewa kerana jumlah anak yg dikira ramai dan selebihnya mereka agak sceptical utk terima foreigners..:( Petang: abah tetiba collapse! Ummi mmg taktau nak buat apa dan nasib baikla mmg ada kat rumah masa tu...Alhamdulillah Allah masih menyayangi kami dan sekadar ingin menduga keimanan kami..

Thu: masih mencari rumah...still terima negative reponds..and at the same time work together dgn 2 other Malaysian families utk cari solution psl umah nih...Petang: bawa abah gi check-up kat klinik and Alhamdulillah Doktor kata takde apa2 complication cuma tekanan darah abah agak rendah dan Doktor suruh berhati2 pasal berhenti merokok..

Fri: hantar e-mail merayu dekat Sit Bolig memandangkan ada yang masih dibenarkan utk renew the contract (mmg tak paham polisi apa yg mereka guna). Minta sokongan dan clarification dari Department juga. Thanks to Randi..nasib dia banyak membantu...Abah dan Ezanee mengadap Sit Bolig untuk merayu lagi..and working out dgn Shahriman utk pk camana lagi nak buat supaya dapat exemption...

Fuh! Mende ni mmg betul2 meletihkan dan menyesakkan kepala. Abih satu minggu macam tu jek. Tak dapat nak pk mende lain dan fokus seme dah ilang. Lari dah deadline which I'm suppose to show my working paper to Prof Thanh. Sorry Prof, this is something that I didn't ask for. Promise will continue it soon!!

Salji masih turun dgn lebatnya...nak gerak pun susah
Suram je keadaan...macam faham apa yg tgh bergolak dalam diri kami di sini..

Anak-anak masih lena tidur...tak mengerti apa yang berlaku dan bakal mana lah kita lepas ni anak2ku...hanya dengan kehadiran kalian sahajalah yang dapat menguatkan semangat Ummi dan abah di sini...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Trondheim city: Summer vs Winter

Just wanna share with u all some of the photos shoot in Trondheim city during summer and winter. Don't mention about the temperature but the one that we hate most is to face such a loooooonggggggggggg day during the summer and also a loooooooooooooooongggggggggg nite during the winter. Bayangkan kol 10 malam masih macam kol 6 ptg jek...masa memula sampai bulan 8 aritu....sampaikan bebudak ni dok tanya..ummi dah malam ke..dah malam ke..berkali2...just because they couldn't see the moon yet...and now, during the winter (especially in x'mas eve) we hardly see the sun...just imagine we have to switch on the light all the time..and only have the daylight between 12 til 2pm....the rest is just darkness all around us...kesian budak2...nak bangun tido pun dok tanya..ummi dah siang ke..boleh bangun?..and we're told that the most daylight will be on the 21st of june while the most darkness is on the 21st of december every, here we're...that's one of the thing that we never experienced before until we reach this artic circle country...besarnya keajaiban Allah...:) Allahuakbar!
Abah with the kids during the last summer..sempoi jek masing2 pakai baju sehelai..
Posing depan satu park di pekan Trondheim. It was 6 mths back...tgk tu....rihana kecik jek sana sini kami dgn baby carrier..mengendung si kecik..

Abah amik kesempatan naik ski-boat dengan rihana kat Byasen during the heavy snow fall last X'mas eve

Rizqin naik syok meluncur sampai tak ingat nak balik..

Muhammad dgn gaya pro nya..

learning Norwegian language - Part I

Starting from this semester my department has send me to a Norwegian language course. The department has the allocation for that to ensure we can communicate in their language among the colleague. It's quite difficult to learn their language. There are lots of new words that is not familiar with us. Luckily I have Mona, Martin and Randi in the office who help me to practise with the language. Anyway, I am just taking it for fun and since it is sponsored so I just attend to make sure atleast I can understand whatever letters or memo send to us either from the community, schools or other organizations..So, I'll take this chance to list few common words that we might use in our daily conversation.

1. vaer sa god: welcome / may i help u
2. tusen takk : thank u very much
3. god morgen : good morning
4. god dag : good day
5. hva heter du? what is your name?
6. jeg heter Nor. My name is Nor
7. hvor kommer du fra? where do u come from?
8. Jeg kommer fra Malaysia. I come from Malaysia.

ogsa (also), men (but), og (and), eller (or)

Flott! (Excellent)

So I guess I'd have to stop until now and we'll continue with the basic words in the next lesson. Takk for i dag (thanks for the day!)

Pa vei - the text and exercise books that we use to learn the language and of course some dictionaries/vocabularies references

In the picture: Randi, Mona and Martin (my Norwegian colleague) during the last Aidilfitri

Mona really loves kid - amik kesempatan posing ngan Rihana yang masih tak berambut masa tu..:)

Tomas birthday

Tomas is Raziq og Rizqin bestfriend. They're so closed and enjoy playing together all the time in the barnhagen. Tomas is a hard-fan of Spiderman so in his 3rd year birthday last year Raziq oq Rizqin gave him collections of Spiderman tumbler, cap and replica. Kids just enjoy playing and they do not have any problems in their mind..Well, enjoy long as you're happy ummi and abah will be happy too..:)
Raziq oq Tomas sitting together waiting for the birthday cake
Tomas with Spiderman lue(topi) - a gift from Raziq

Klara (mother of Tomas) serving Rizqin

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Incident and Accident

I am not so sure whether both can be used in the same situations but there are lots of incidents happened to us while we're here..and Alhamdulillah..still there are few accidents happened as well. Whatever it is we still have to accept it and just hope that the incidents/accidents will not happen again..

1st accident: Rizqin felt down while playing in the barnhagen. The process of sending him to the hospital until we met the Doctor was really tiring. Hope there will be no accident like this again..

Other incidents:

Rihana in high fever. She doesn't want to move anywhere. Ummi just need to be by her side all the time..

Muhammad og Rizqin having spotsfever. Their photos taken with the new haircut after they've recovered. They need to cut off their hair since the spots came all over their body till their hair.

Ummi with the exam fever, virus infection in the sorethroat..Everything came in one. Ummi needs to have enough rest and this photo taken while Ummi is still under medication.

Abah collapsed! This is really surprise. He was just on the phone and suddenly collapsed during the conversation. Tried to call his name few times but he did not answer. I was almost cried! Can't imagine and can't even think of what and how to do...He was paused for a while and don't even move...until now we're still thinking of what is actually it due to less of oxygen or low blood pressure (as according to him)..but because of the sudden stop from smoke!!!!!We're still in blues...and can't wait to meet the Doctor for more info about this..Get well soon abah and we love u so much....

barnhage karnival

I was so busy looking for houses to rent in when suddenly I came across photos of my sonn during the karnival in their barnhage, Moholt Barnhagen. Muhammad wished to be a prince since Frejya has agreed to be his princess..but sorry dear, Ummi couldn't find the Prince suit so just a warrior would be ocay I guess...and here comes the little Rizqin with his tigger (tiger) suit.

Our Prince Warrior, Muhammad eller (or) Raziq

The adorable Tigger (Rizqin)

Rihana? She wouldn't care less what would she be..but we know that she's our one and only little pumpkin -- anything will do for her as long as there are something she can munchy with..:)

moving out again?

Phew! What a challenge. Living in other country with limited resources and facing lots of obstacles and circumstances here really make our life miserable. Luckily we're in family so we're kinda unite and we really have to standup for each other. It's hard to explain our situation here. At first when we came here we rented an apartment hotel for 2 weeks since we need to queue for the university student village. After 2 weeks when we thought that the house is ready, suddenly they said that it's still in queue. So we have to move out to another house recommended by the department but of course since both are private own we need to pay quite a lot of sum for both accomodations. That was last for about 1 month and in September 7th, 2007 we managed to move in to Moholt Studentby. The place is nice, cheaper (since it's a student village) and very near to the university. So we guess that it's settled already and everything is just as plan. We're so relief..(I can go to the office within a few minutes and Muhammad and Rizqin can go to their barnhage by in just 5 minutes walking distance) until then...suddenly we received the email saying that they're not going to renew our contract. New policy stated that they will be no more PhD students in student village since they treated us as employee. So by no choice we really have to move out again and this will be our 3rd time moving out here-and-there for the last 6 months. Arghh!!!This is kinda tense to me. I really can't think about anything else. Why must we face this since we really need to have a peaceful mind to manage our work here. Private house is really expensive and it can reach up until NOK7000-8000 per house. We really can't afford it and the worse case is tenants normally will not allow kids if their houses is just around 30-40m2. Big house means big rental price! Ya Allah..permudahkanlah urusan kami di sini....
Abah and the kids on top of the roof in our 1st rented apartment hotel that cost us NOK600 per day!

Our 2nd rented house that cost us NOK5000 for only 3 weeks!

The house that we rent now in Moholt Studentby that cost us NOK4825 every mth including 24X7 internet access.


It's nearly 6 months we've been here. Long period enough for us who missed those people who're dear and close to us but now they've gone away. Innalillahiwainnailahirajiun..Last Aidilfitri, my cousin Allahyarham Kamal Ariffin bin Kamal Hijjaz has passed away and just recently (25th of February) my 2nd brother in-law Allahyarham Muhammad bin Aziz also passed away. Both of them are very young (50+ and 40) but as people always says "Allah lebih menyayangi mereka" and good people normally leaves earlier. AlFatihah untuk kedua-dua Allahyarham dan semoga roh mereka ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh. Amin..

4th August 2007: KLIA to Amsterdam. That was the last time we met with Allahyarham Abang Pin..(not in the picture)...We're so sad to know that we're not going to meet arwah again after he has been such a nice brother, inspiring us and always give good advises to us..Semoga kak Mie sekeluarga sentiasa tabah dan redha dengan pemergian arwah..

I guess this was the last time we met with arwah Abg Mad (Pak Ngah)...We're there in their house to return the car key that we borrowed after we've sold our car. Eventhough he was sick at that time but still he treated us with delicious durians to celebrate our farewell..The only can be captured here is arwah's leg (in pelikat) together with Sabrina (arwah last daughter-aged 7) and my elder son, Muhammad. Semoga Kak Ngah tabah menghadapi pemergian arwah Abg Mad. Percayalah Kak Ngah adik sekeluarga di sini sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan hidup Kak Ngah di samping membesarkan anak2 yang masih kecil (Shafiqah, Haziq, Idlan dan Sabrina)

photos shoot!

Since I started my blog quite late (after 6 mths here) there are lots of things and experienced need to be shared...and now...everything is like a mess...not sure on which or what to be published, let's just have the photos express everything..
It was last Sunday where we took the opportunity to go to NTNU and manage to make few phone calls to Malaysia..(abah infront of our 'lucky-old' car purchased here)..<--why is it called lucky?..look at the reg. ma!!! Introducing our beloved the one and only datter (Norwegian word of calling daughter), Nur Rihana Safiyyah...(don't be surprise with her big round eyes..wait till u see the brothers)

Now, here are our two charming sonn (we called son in English), Muhammad Shahmi Raziq og (and) Muhammad Shahril Rizqin (they're so inspired with Spiderman action) just accept it..:)

blog for the beginner

Let's have the mukaddimah of this blog with kalimah Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..
Actually I'm not so sure whether it's a good thing to have a blog on my own or not..I was happy reading and enjoying surfing through the bloggers side...nice to read others opinion about how do they think about things life, community, life experience..and others...but to have my own was like having my privacy to be shared by others (that was my 1st thought)..but after going through the experience of life myself..(far away from home..and with my beloved family)..with all sorts of things happened lately...I started to think and realise that having blog is not really 'sharing your privacy' but also a way to share your experience to others..for thought and to be taught...