1st accident: Rizqin felt down while playing in the barnhagen. The process of sending him to the hospital until we met the Doctor was really tiring. Hope there will be no accident like this again..
Other incidents:
Rihana in high fever. She doesn't want to move anywhere. Ummi just need to be by her side all the time..
Muhammad og Rizqin having spotsfever. Their photos taken with the new haircut after they've recovered. They need to cut off their hair since the spots came all over their body till their hair.
Ummi with the exam fever, virus infection in the sorethroat..Everything came in one. Ummi needs to have enough rest and this photo taken while Ummi is still under medication.
Abah collapsed! This is really surprise. He was just on the phone and suddenly collapsed during the conversation. Tried to call his name few times but he did not answer. I was almost cried! Can't imagine and can't even think of what and how to do...He was paused for a while and don't even move...until now we're still thinking of what is actually happen..is it due to less of oxygen or low blood pressure (as according to him)..but because of the sudden stop from smoke!!!!!We're still in blues...and can't wait to meet the Doctor for more info about this..Get well soon abah and we love u so much....
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